
Pirates of Fortune’s Folly
are available to hire!


Select from one of our Event Packages:


1.) Pirat-mosphere Package (starting at $300)

1 Hour – 2+ pirates, Meet-and-Greet, Photo ops (Props available)


2.) Birthday Party Package (starting at $450)

1 Hour – 2 pirates, Pirate Games & Activities (Including Treasure Hunt)


3.) Show Package (starting at $600)

1 hour – 4+ pirates, Pirat-mosphere, 1 Show


4.) Performance Package (starting at $750)

2 hour – 4+ pirates, Pirat-mosphere, 2 Shows


5.) Faire Package (starting at $600)

6 hours – 2+ pirates, Pirat-mosphere, and up to 3 Shows


6.) Full Day Package (starting at $1500)

6 hours – 4+ pirates, Pirat-mosphere, Encampment, and up to 3 Shows


School Packages
(fulfill core-curriculum standards)

1.) Assembly Package (starting at $550)

1 hour – Includes: 4+ pirates, Pirat-mosphere, and 1 Show

2.) Workshop Package (starting at $550)

2 hours – Includes: 4 Workshops

3.) Combination Package (starting at $900)

3 hours – Includes: 4+ pirates, Pirat-mosphere, 1 Show and 4 Workshops



Assemble your event from the following options:




Meet Real Pirates in Full Pirate Gear, Accents, and Swagger!
Take a picture with your favorite Crew-mates
for those piratical memory moments!


Pirate PARRRRties

Pirates invade to give you event some “Pirattitude”!
Includes pirate games and activities (and maybe a sword fight)!


Stunt-Show SpectaculARRRR!

Interactive, sword-fighting comedy shows that will entertain you and your family with plenty of
Action, Music, and Laughs! (“Volunteers” may be press-ganged onto the crew!)

“The Watchman”
Left alone… Surrounded… One pirate must use their wits to protect the treasure. And survive… the Watch!

“Black Bart’s Guide to Piracy”
The crew learns the “Rules” for being a Correct and Proper Pirate!
“The Fish and the Folly”
While following a map, the pirates encounter the real treasure: a mermaid!
Who will win at the end of this tail?
A piratical cooking show with BAM! and BOOM!
“Mutiny on the Folly”
When the crew makes plans against the Captain, no one is safe… (Including them!)
“The Captain’s Hat (or Thanks for the Memories!)”
The captain has lost his memory! Who will take charge? Where is his treasure hidden? Who drank all the rum?!
The crew will look for all these answers inside… The Captain’s Hat!
“Dangerous Weapons!”
A safe demonstration of how to safely use the pirates’ arsenal safely! May include cannon fire.
(Some demonstrators may be ‘harmed’ in the demonstration of these weapons.)


Pirate Game Shows

“Double-Cross! – The Pirate Game Show!”
Try your piratical knowledge against our Pirate “experts” in one of 4 different games!
Contestants might be in “Jeopardy”, but winners can walk away with the pirates’ treasure! (And you might just learn something in the process!) Fun and History for All Ages!


Dead Polly’s Treasure Hunt

The crew follows the map, the children decode the clues, and everyone shares in the treasure! Where is the treasure hidden? Only Dead Polly knows…


Pirate Entertainments

“Pirate Story Time”
Stories for the nipperkins, read by the best storytellers of all… PIRATES! (Aye, they can read!) 
Watch stories at:

“Pirate Sing-a-Long”
Pirates entertain with “Authentical” sea shanties.
Audience Participation is always welcome!

“Patch & Booty: The Pirate Punch & Judy Show”
A blend of classic Punch and Judy performed with well-known pirates from the Golden Age of Piracy.

“Cannon Demonstration”
Historical (and hysterical) demonstration of the proper method for loading and firing a cannon.


“Learning The Ropes”
Pirate School & Workshops

Your choice of 20 minute lectures on specific Pirate-related Topics such as: “Knot-ical Skills: Sailor’s Knots and Uses”, “She-Wolf: Historical Women Pirates”, “Aye or Nay?: Pirate Democracy”, “The Pointy End: Pirate Weaponry & Safety”, and several more! Children have fun learning about History from the best teachers… PIRATES!


Speak with our pirate consultants at:

(267) 482-0313 or

to design your Pirate Event Package today!